Prologue: Ieper to … just outside Ieper

Distance: 4.85km
Time: 15 minutes
Average speed : 19km/h
Total distance: 4.85km

six feet of grass  —  the famous “Tap” — undeserved beer

OK, so 4km isn’t even slightly impressive, but at least we’ve made a start. All good so far, the bike feels very heavy with the panniers, of course, but smooth and comfortable after its reassembly.

The cycle paths are brilliant, very well separated from the traffic by at least six feet of grass and a row of trees, and a good hard surface. Apparently we get priority over the traffic at roundabouts, but we’ve been advised to just check twice that the traffic also knows that! And we cycled round the roundabout with the famous “Tap”, which was fantastic.

We’re settled in to our B&B just outside Ieper, lovely people, we enjoyed a thoroughly undeserved beer and a good chat when we arrived.

Looking forward to a full day tomorrow, but for now it’s back into Ieper for tea.

Here’s today’s track:

Ieper to just outside Ieper

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